One Million Checkboxes img

One Million Checkboxes

One Million Checkboxes
One Million Checkboxes img

What will you do if you happen to be in the middle of a large empty field? One Million Checkboxes gives plenty of options, so be free to act however you like, using a pre-made strategy or just following your heart. Join a vast community of checkers and connect with them readily.

Create a Trial Yourself

No particular aim and no tools except for the little signs you may put in any square on the terrain – use your imagination to come up with a certain objective. As plain as it looks, the game hides numerous opportunities that are waiting for you to reveal them!

Moreover, you are not alone here! There are thousands of people viewing the same territory at the same time and you can collaborate with them in an unusual way. Write a message using the signs and wait for someone to notice it. And if there is no space left, just remove all the ticks and start fresh!

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